Usual crap, blah blah blah, need to post more, brain no worky, etc etc etc...
But yeah, I think it's high time my ass started using this thing again (as I said, usual crap). Though this time, it's hopefully gonna be for reals. Cuz I think writing blog posts used to make me feel happy. Let's see if I can get that back. Also, if it helps by being even the slightest bit cathartic, I'm game. Cuz dear gods, my everything is fucking up and going crazy lately.
I'm angry so damn often. Especially when driving. Fuck damn near everybody on the road. If a person is going ten miles over the damn speed limit, everybody else should not still be zooming past her. Fuuuu....... And I'm even getting pissed about how all those ex-friends used to treat me. I mean gods, I'm too afraid to go back to Guild at this point because Rich might go out of his way to harass me again (and I do NOT need another nervous breakdown like his last harassment fun time caused me), or that Brad'll yell at me for rightfully blocking him on Facebook. Hell, I'm even worried that Logan'll yell at me for my not letting Rich abuse me any more, since he apparently unfriended me on Facebook shortly after the Rich incident...
Oh well, whatever. I'm sure I can find some other way to socialize. I do have a few friends I could hang out with (I think I still do...). I just have to work up the courage to ask them if they want to hang, because at this point, I'm wondering if I never get invites to hang from other people because they're waiting for
me to make the first move. >_< But, I will have to start making an effort soon. Not just yet, though, because I don't want to leave the kittens alone for too long right now.
Speaking of, we got two new kittens on Monday. A little medium-haired brown tabby girl that we named Mochi, and a short-haired tuxedo-ish girl we named Unagi. We decided to keep with the Japanese food name theme, because we're weird like that. Pocky and Wasabi still don't know what to think, and they're both still doing the hissing thing, but it's already getting a tiny bit better. Yays!
Not exactly the best of quality photos, but it was kinda dark in the living room, and this is literally the only picture so far that has both of them in it, and they're actually not moving AND looking almost at the camera. So damn cute, aren't they? Mochi is kind of timid still, so I think she's never gonna be an in-your-face cat like Pocky, but I was hoping for a chill kitty, so I'm happy. Unagi is very adventurous and brave, and has to explore everything ever. Once they all get used to each other, I can see her being besties with Pocky. Or absolutely hating her guts. One of those two extremes.
I've been getting addicted to new websites very recently. First, I found
Habitica, which is basically a productivity app/website, where to motivate you into doing the stuff you need to be doing, you're given an avatar, and it's treated like an RPG. By checking off the things you've done (like a load of laundry, or you ate a healthy dinner, or finished an essay for class, or whatever), you get experience points which goes towards leveling up and being more badass, and gold which goes towards buying better equipment to be more of a badass. I'm level 4 so far, and it's really been helping me actually
want to do chores and such.
Also, I started playing my newest full on fucking addiction,
Hogwarts Extreme. It's kinda like how Pottermore used to be, where you get sorted, and can chat and roleplay with other people on the site. No potions or dueling, but Pottermore doesn't have that any more either (all it is now is a blog with all the extra stories she's been writing), so it's all good. I spotted it while going through my Facebook feed, because it was a sponsored post. Normally I would've just kept scrolling, but they said I could
take the Hogwarts classes! Holy crap, holy crap, I get to take stuff like Potions and Transfigurations and oh my gods! That's the biggest reason I always wanted to go to Hogwarts (that and the library). It's kinda like reading comprehension for mini-fanfics, but I don't care, it's Hogwarts classes! I'm a Hufflepuff, of course, and I'm so beyond ecstatic about it all. So yeah, kinda completely obsessed.
Also, I've been reading up a storm. I'm at 79 normal books (meaning not manga) for 2015 so far, and I'm hoping to hit 100 by the end of the year. Most likely going to, too. Tried reading The Giver, but dear gods I was bored stiff the entire book. Also, they explained literally nothing. I could see that if it was one of those damn first-book-in-the-series-free-ebooks that claim to be the first "book", when really it's only the first few chapters of a proper book, so they don't explain anything on purpose to get you to drop $3.99 for the next book or whatever, but this thing was written in '93. This thing was supposed to be an entire book. Yeah, I think not. Kinda glad I didn't get stuck reading it in school, because there would've been an argument between me and the teacher over why I refused to finish it. Ugh...
And last but not least, Halloween is only a month away. *SQUEE!* I'm so excited, because I'm already invited to two different parties, and I'm not counting the Guild "party" either. Not sure what my costume'll be, since we're kinda not currently rolling in the dough. I have a few different things I can pull together from just my closet, and a few more with the addition of a few bucks-worth of extras. Depending on how his next check looks, size-wise, I might even head over to one of the countless Halloween pop-up stores to see what all they have, or just swing by Foy's. I'm definitely going to have to hit up downtown Fairborn to see all the decorations, though, because damn does Foy's go all freaking out. And depending on when Trick-Or-Treat is, we might pass out candy, too. I <3 passing out candy. It almost makes up for not being able to collect it any more.
Oh, almost forgot. We signed the lease for the house we're in right now back on July 31st, and moved in on August 6th. It's a half a duplex near-ish downtown (for people that know Dayton, it's on Kilmer, one street over from James H. McGee and less than a mile from 3rd Street). It's a three bedroom one bathroom with a basement and washer dryer hook-ups. It's about three times as big as the apartment was (if you count the basement), and it costs $150 less per month. And it's
not an apartment. Because fuck apartment complexes any more. Especially fuck Woodman Park Apartments. Fuck them in the face with a chainsaw on high. Blarg.
Is it bad that we're still not completely unpacked? And that I have yet to hang anything up on the walls? The biggest suck part, though, is the fact that the stairway to get upstairs (where all three bedrooms are) is too narrow for us to get the box springs up. So, since we moved, we've been sleeping on the mattress on the floor. Holy fucking hell
painful! But, the fact that there's no central air, and the occasional bug tends to get in through the basement (we had to kill three stink bugs in the last few days alone), are literally the only complaints we have about this place, it rocks that much. The box springs we can fix by buying a used one with a wood frame and cutting it in half downstairs and putting it back together upstairs. The air problem can be fixed with window units, which we plan on buying in March or April. The bugs we can almost completely get rid of by spraying stuff in the basement. You get them everywhere, no matter how nice the place is, so whatever. And dammit, we have a working washer and dryer that his parents gave us (that only took $120 in parts to repair), so FUCK YEAH! We are officially on our way to successfully adulting. Go us.