Thursday, March 6, 2014

Busy Little Bee

I think I'm just about content with my blog layout now. Which means in about five days, I'll hate every last inch of it and want to tear it down and start from scratch, but then two days after that, I'll regret having done it because I liked the way it was now. Let's hope that doesn't happen, because it sounds exhausting. But yeah, sticking with this version for awhile. It's nice and simple. Cool. And I do have a weird thing for pink lately. *shrugs*

This, by the way, is a call out for a blog roll. Any of my friends reading this who don't see their links over thataway *points to the right* that wants to be in it should tell me somehow. I want a nice big blog roll. I'd also really like to be on other people's blog rolls, too. *hinthint*

But mostly, yeah, I'm content. Still stressed as shit, but now I have Catharsis Land to play in. Wheeeeeee! Expect a lot of posts. And maybe some candy. Just gotta find some that'll fit through a UBB port. I shove and I shove, but it never wants to go in. *sad face*


Shutting up now.............. *hides*

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi Amber, I'm glad to see that you're back. I'll add you to my blog roll.