It looks like I'm going to be moving at the end of April no matter what. That's when Ben's roommate is moving. Though my friend Jeff, who I was going to move in with to a three bedroom townhouse a month ago, sounds like he still wants to get an apartment. This time, though, he wants to try a two bedroom. We didn't get the three bedroom because it was just too expensive. A two bedroom would be cheaper, especially with three people paying rent and utilities. That'd be nice. Me and Ben would have privacy during the week, and we'd have a friend to talk to and hang with on the weekends.
For those not on my Facebook friends list, Jeff is an over the road truck driver. The place he works at right now gets him home every weekend, but he has to stay in his truck during the week driving. So he'd be getting home Friday or early Saturday each week, and leaving Sunday or so. So basically, we'd only have a roommate some of the time. Good for privacy, if you know what I mean. *wink wink*
Having Ben and John here at the same time is weird. Though John seems to be acting nicer towards me in front of Ben, so I guess that's kinda win. Win-ish. Sort of. But yeah, the murder mystery thing yesterday was so much fun! I had zero idea who did it (I guessed on a theory that was very Fight Club-esque), but I knew that was going to happen. I have read every single one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, and never once even came close to solving the mystery before Sherlock told Waston how it all happened. I did get out some good jokes, though, so I'm quite pleased.
I'm trying to write in this more, so that I write more period. I need to seriously start working on those articles again. If I stick with psychology articles, maybe I can sell a few more. And I'm a bit of an expert on psychology, from the patient's point of view at least. Seems to be a decent enough market, because a lot of people in that chair aren't knowledgable enough, or very good at writing articles. Yay being among the minority! Means monies for me, hopefully. I want to write one of insomnia, and one on Borderline.
Ben goes home tomorrow, but at least I go with him. Unfortunately, on Saturday, I go back home but he stays at his place. The end of April can't come soon enough. And for anybody in the Dayton, Ohio area, we either need a one or two bedroom on the bus line, with a washer/dryer hook-up and that allows pets. Suggestions are more than welcome. Oh, and it's gotta be in a safe neighborhood. The place I lived with Jim in, my car got broken into. Then there was that time that a car caught on fire in the parking lot. Oh, and the murder that happened one night. Safe neighborhood, please?
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