I really need to quit forgetting to write anything in here. Good thing it's a free website, otherwise I'd be wasting a lot of money.
Anyways, I'm in a fair amount of physical pain right now. The biggest thing in my teeth. I'm fairly certain I have an abscess. I have pretty much all the symptoms, and it looks exactly like the tamer pictures that you get when you Google "tooth abscess" (except right now, my little puss-bit thingie is black...). Going to go to the hospital tomorrow to get a root canal or something to fix it. One of the hospitals here has a dental center, which is a really good thing because I called quite a few places to try and get in to see a dentist, but since I'd be a new patient, what very few places that were both accepting new patients and take Molina Healthcare (that's the insurance I have) all said I'd have to wait at least two or three weeks for them to be able to fit me in. Mind you, a part of my gums is turning black, my mouth bleeds so bad every time that I brush my teeth that I have bloodstains on my toothbrush, I'm in constant, agonizing pain, and it hurts to chew anything that isn't the consistency of pudding, so waiting three weeks would be a very bad idea. Also, apparently if you leave it alone long enough, an oral abscess can kill you. Yeah, I'd like to avoid that part. Also, I hate my mouth constantly tasting of blood and puss...
Lost another "friend", also. Doug went batshit insane and bullied me like mad crazy, but I'm over it and don't really feel like going into it any more. Just thought you guys might want to know. Oh, and because of the crap Doug was telling people about us, we lost Dave as a friend, and apparently Rob as a friend, too (because it's been over a month since Rob has acknowledged us in any way, shape or form), and Zach is on severe probation. Probably a good thing I got rid of them. Or that they got rid of themselves, I should say. It's nice having friends who aren't 20 year old guys. No offense against 20 year olds in general, just against the really immature ones (and the really immature 43 year olds, too). And that's pretty much all the name calling I'm allowing myself.
Edit: It would seem that all it took to fix things with Rob and Zach was talking for a few minutes. They were being a bit immature, true, but not as much as I thought (since they weren't talking to me, I had no way of knowing what was going on). So yeah, good to know that everything could've been fixed a few weeks ago this easily... >_< At least there are two less people in the world that hate me. I did miss them.
The kittens aren't exactly kittens any more. They're what my friend Kelly refers to as "cattens": halfway between kitten and cat. They're going completely insane, apparently. The bedroom door has to stay closed now, because they run across the bed while we sleep and cut the crap out of Ben with their nails (even when we've recently trimmed them). They also jump all over us, and make tons of noise by messing with the blinds and knocking stuff over. So yeah, they've officially lost going-to-bed-with-mommy-and-daddy privileges. They still don't understand the concept of the scratching post. They knock it over, they play on top of it, they chew on it, but they have never once scratched it. I guess they don't need to, because the couch and the mattress work perfectly fine. I've turned into the disciplinarian, because when I yell at them to get off the table or the kitchen counters they listen; when Ben yells at them for the same things, they ignore him. They still do cute things like fall asleep on us, though, so it's all good. And sometimes Pocky goes psycho in her tail chasing, jumping up and down and spinning all around, trying to catch the thing. She does it in the kitchen, so the entire time she's jumping around around, she's also slipping all over the place because of the smooth floor. So. Much. Cute! <3 <3 <3
Got a few other problems physically. I can't get a full night's sleep anymore, not for the last two weeks, at least. I fall asleep quickly, just like normal people do, just like I've always wanted, but I wake up after five or six hours in large quantities of pain, mostly in my back. No matter how I lay after I wake up like this, being in bed just hurts too freaking much. So I've been tired a lot, but at least I've been getting up at daytime hours. It's weird being awake at 10am, but not because I haven't went to bed yet. >_< I'm going to try seeing a doctor about it soon, or if it doesn't get too bad, I'll just wait for my appointment on the 22nd. I've also been getting dizzy and sick to my stomach, and almost throwing up and passing out, and I'mma bring all that up, too. Cuz yeah, being sick sucks. Being that sick, for two weeks straight... Yeah, fuck that shit.
I'm once again trying out the freelance writing game. I signed up with a website called Freelancer. I bid on jobs there, instead of trying to come up with articles out of nowhere. I just bid on my first job today, a creative blog post job where I'd get $10 for 350 words. No idea if I'll win the bid, but at least I'm trying, right? It'd be nice to have a bit of extra money to toss around.
Oh, and I must pimp one more thing before I'm done with this post: LibraryThing is one of my newest addictions. It's this site that lets you catalog your books (kinda like GoodReads, except they don't let you update your progress), but that's not the cool part. The cool part is the Early Reviewers program. You can sign up to win books before they're released to the general public. The more books you have listed on your profile, the more likely you are to win one. All they require is that you read it somewhat quickly (no strict rule, but I figure they'd prefer you do it within a month or so of getting it) and review it when you're done. It doesn't have to be a glowing review, it just has to be what you thought of it. The only bad part about the site is that the free account only lets you add 200 books. I'm a bad, bad girl, and I'm seriously considering paying the $25 for the lifetime membership, because that way I can add infinite books (considering the fact that I'm sure I have at the very least 1,500 books between paper and ebooks by now). Also, the Early Reviewers program picks the book(s) that you win based off of what's in your library. Right now, I only have a large majority of the stuff on my Nook (the ones not on my Kindle app, I mean). Those aren't exactly the best of examples for them to look at while picking out free books for me. But yeah, I've won three books in the last two months (two ebooks and a paperback). Nice, no?
I've been cataloging my book collection on this app I found for free. It's taking forever to do so because the input process is terrible (also, see earlier comment about how many books I have), but it makes my occasional OCD happy. That, and when I finish, I'll be able to figure out what book to start next soooooooooooooooo much easier. ^_^ I'll know what books I have, how long they are, where they are, what they're about, and all without doing anything other than opening up the app on my Nook. That makes OCDBibliophileAmber very happy.
Ooh, ooh, ooh! Guess what me, Ben, and Rich went and saw earlier? Guardians Of The Galaxy! The theater that Ben works at shows certain new releases the day before they come out in most theaters, so we went to the 7pm showing in IMAX 3D. The movie was incredible amazing awesome win, but the conditions in which we saw it sucked. It had nothing to do with the theater itself, so no worries. We just got there a few minutes late, so we were stuck in the second row (we were only about three yards from the screen). My neck still hurts from staring up at the screen the entire movie, and it was literally impossible to see the entire screen all at once. That, and IMAX 3D movies give me a wicked headache. I learned this back in November when me and Ben went to see Thor 2. Ugh. The movie was good enough to make the headache and neck strain worth it, but still, oww. I won't give any spoilers away, because I'm nice like that (and don't want to deal with death threats), but I will say if you like stuff like Firefly/Serenity, you'd definitely love this. It had that same kinda feel to it, you know? We plan on seeing it at least two or three more times before it leaves theaters, it was THAT. GOOD. And for those of you not used to Marvel movies, don't forget to stay behind for the bits at the end and after the credits.
Gonna try to write in here more often. Hopefully, I can actually keep that promise. Somebody yell at me if I don't start writing in here more often.
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