Completely obsessed with a new song:
A friend of mine on Facebook (I'm a horrible person, but I can't remember who it was) posted this video awhile back, and I listened to it out of curiosity, and fell madly in love. I just... I love the beat, I love the lyrics, even the video is awesome. And then last night on the way to the Victoria Theater to see The Big Lebowski, this came on the radio on The X. I had to dance, even though I was driving. It was required. Such an awesome song! <3 <3 <3
Speaking of last night, we went to the Victoria theater, as I previously mentioned, to see one of their Cool Films series movies. Well, we got there late and were rushing to get in (the movie had already been playing for a few minutes when we finally got there), so we handed the old guy our ticket book (it had eight tickets in it, this is important later). He took our tickets and showed us into the theater. Well, when we were walking back to the car (the we in this whole instance being just me and Ben, also important), Ben was looking through the tickets to see when the next movie we wanted to see was showing. That's when we found out there were only three tickets left in the book. Now, for those of you who weren't doing the math the whole time, that's three tickets left, two tickets used, and we started with eight tickets. Well fuck, the guy took five instead of two. Those tickets were fuck expensive, too, so now I need to call up the theater tomorrow and bitch (or better yet, have Ben do it, because he's better at yelling at people nicely and coherently). But seriously man, did you have to steal three tickets? Ugh! At least the movie was pretty good.
So beyond sleepy right now. I need more caffeine. I have some friends who are very insistent that I quit drinking caffeine completely because it only makes the sleepy thing worse (among many, many, many other things), but they don't seem to understand that I am so addicted at this point that I'd almost need rehab to have any hopes of quitting for longer than a week. So until I can afford a few weeks at Betty Ford, I guess I need to stock up on some two liters when Ben gets paid on Thursday. Cuz this sleepy crap sucks, and coffee kills my stomach too much to be drinking it every day. Ugh, ugh, double ugh.
My teeth are absolutely killing me lately. The tooth didn't end up having an abscess, but I did have some ulcers in my gums. They gave me this prescription mouthwash that I'm pretty sure is just mint-flavored hydrogen peroxide, and it helps a little bit, but now my other teeth are hurting, too. I think I have a cavity on the inner bit of the top tooth on my left-hand side farthest back. That tooth has been pushed out of the way and is somewhat sideways because my mouth is so small, and now the entire thing is throbbing 24/7. Add that to the fact that my chipped tooth which sometimes gets overly sensitive is in one of those phases again, and my mouth is hell on earth. I'm pretty sure the chip exposes the root slightly or something, because just breathing through my mouth makes it hurt when its in the on phase. The people at the dental clinic in the hospital that I went to when I thought I had an abscess can take me on as a regular client, so I'm going to be calling them tomorrow to schedule a cleaning for the end of September (when I'm allowed my next one by Medicaid), and hopefully this place won't be as incompetent as the one I went to in Sydney. That dude was fairly an idiot. I had a lot of "doctors" that didn't know squat back when I lived in Lakeview. The only people I saw on a regular basis that knew anything were the people at Consolidated Care (not counting that one therapist I had that loved bullying me). Hopefully, Dayton has less-idiotic health care providers. The bar has been set incredibly low, though, so that'll help.
Finally caught a picture of one of the kittens that isn't blurry! My phone is over two years old, and was the cheapest model John could get, so the camera sucks hard, and my digital camera I got when I was still with Jim, so that makes it almost six years old, and even new it was the second cheapest camera Walmart had. All that adds up to a lot of pictures of the kittens that make them look like blurry blobs. So yesterday while I was going through my books and DVDs trying to find stuff to sell to Half Price Books, I accidentally managed to catch the perfect picture of Pocky.
It's a box of Pocky!
I feel proud. I'll try and grab a good one of Wasabi soon, but she never seems to hold still long enough to let me take the photo. Maybe if I get Ben to do it. She's definitely daddy's girl. Though Pocky's my baby, so it all kinda evens out in the end.
I've been losing weight, which is a yay I guess. The place Ben works has been screwing everybody over and only giving them two days a week, and all of the ones Ben has been getting are five hour shifts, during which he usually gets cut a few hours in. That leads to not-very-big-paychecks, so we haven't been able to get as many groceries each check as we'd like to. I've lost a few pounds these last few weeks just because I don't eat very often, and lately I don't finish my entire meal because every day it's Hamburger Helper, which I am getting downright sick of. I'm only a pound and a half away from the 260s at least, so it's not all bad. I do need to start exercising soon, though. I got winded trying to keep up with Ben's walking speed for the two blocks we had to walk to get to the theater last night. That's a big bad no-no. I just can't motivate myself, though. I know that not exercising is killing me, but that doesn't seem to be enough, because I also know that if I start exercising again, I'll stop after a few days because I hate it so goddamned much. That, and it reeeeeeeally hurts sometimes. I guess I'm doomed to be a dead fat ass, then...
I need to start reading again. I was reading a lot there for awhile, and then just... stopped. I have sooooooooooo many great books to read (four of which are from the library, so they'll be due back eventually). I guess I just haven't had the time. I've got three different games on my Nook that I play somewhat obsessively (Clash Of Clans, My Singing Monsters, and High School Story), and I'm addicted to this one Facebook game as well (it's called Ghost Tales), so I spend way too much time playing those. >_< Need to start reading again. I have the sequel to John Dies At The End, for heaven's sake, and I'm only a couple pages in! How can that even be?!?! *thunks head on desk*
I have a LOT of stuff I need to be doing that I haven't been. I don't clean enough. I still have a ton of boxes that I have yet to unpack (and I've been here three and a half months already!). I haven't written much of anything on any of my stories (though at least I've been posting on this writing prompt Facebook group page I belong to, so that's better than nothing). I still haven't pulled out my water colors art kit that I got for Christmas and used it. I haven't even watched the tutorial DVD yet. I am a lazy fuck lately. And I hate it more than anything, but I can't figure out how to fix it. GYARG!
Well, in good news at least, hopefully Ben got the job at VRI. He went through the interview process, and he sent in the essay-esque thing they wanted him to write, but he hasn't heard anything either way back yet. Mind you, he had the interview on Wednesday, and didn't email the essay thingie til Friday, and they told him they couldn't get him in until the September orientation, so there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to be worried yet, but you know me, I'm a worrier. This would be a full time job (40 hours a week as compared to his current >10), and when he's done with training he'll be earning over a dollar more an hour than he does where he works now, so it would fix a lot of our money issues. We'd be able to afford food again, at least. Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, I hope they do actually hire him. I don't see why they wouldn't, but I'm still terrified.
And thus returns the wall of text, now with kickass videos and cute kitty pictures. ^_^
Re: the exercise, have you tried swimming? For me, it was what got me back on the right path with exercise after a long pause following my gall bladder removal -- it was so rough and I got so many infections, I was in bed for like four months after.
I used to swim a lot last year, back when I still went to the local YMCA. It did help everything out, but unfortunately, no money for a YMCA membership right now. And our apartment complex has a pool, but it's been under construction for... a very long time. It's been closed since before it was supposed to open for summer (Ben says at least five months now). So no swimming that way, either. As son as we're getting more monies, I'mma get me a gym or Y membership again, but until then, it's lumpitude for me.
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