Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wedding Blues

So, one of my very closest friends is getting married in less than two weeks, and I desperately want to be there (and I'm allowed to be, because I'm invited, and so is Ben). The only sucky part is the fact that she lives in Pittsburgh, PA, while I live in Dayton, OH. It's less than a 4 hour drive, but no way in hell would my car make it that far (and if it did, I doubt it'd make the return trip). Wouldn't want to drive it anyway, because I hatehatehate driving somewhere that I don't know where I'm going, and I extra hate huge highways that I don't know where I'm supposed to turn off at. So, that means bus ride (because fuck are plane tickets expensive). There's some really good ones scheduled by Greyhound, but the closer it gets to the departure date, the more expensive they become. We won't have the money to buy the tickets until Thursday, and they're already at $100+, and the price keeps on rising. At this rate, I'm not 100% sure if we're going to be able to afford to go. *cries softly* I've only ever been invited to one friend's wedding, but I couldn't make it because I was sick as a freaking dog, for the few days before and after, as well. That sucked so damn hard, because these were friends I'd had since college, and I think I may have even been the one who introduced them. And this current wedding is for one of my longest-held friends (we met online in... 2001, I think?), who I actually stayed in contact with for all those years. She's always been on my blogrolls, always been on my friends lists, whether it be MySpace, LiveJournal, Facebook, or any other site we were both on. I'm willing to do almost anything to get to that wedding. I haven't seen her in 13 years!

So yeah, since I don't trust eBay (and don't have the dough to drop on all the shipping crap right now anyway), and it's too late in the year and my neighborhood isn't the right kind for a yard sale, and consignment shops wouldn't buy the kind of clothes I want to sell, that means I get to sell stuff at Half Price again. And usually, that thought fills me with dread. But for once, I don't feel so bad. Not only is the money going towards something I desperately want, but I think I can finally accept the fact that I don't actually need all the crap that I own, I just want it. My growing-up-really-poor is showing.

Though for some later time, I might wanna try out eBay. Just because I was screwed over the one time I sold something on there (I sold a digital iTunes gift card to someone, and after they paid me and I sent the code to them, they lied through their fucking teeth claimed that their account was hacked, so eBay sent me an email about how I'd get my item back (which was literally impossible) and the person would get their money back, yet I still ended up getting the money deposited in my PayPal account, so I have no fucking clue at this point), that doesn't mean I'll get screwed over again. Plus, this'll be physical merchandise, so they can't really wait until they get it, claim their account was hacked, and still get to keep it. I have a friend who sells a ton of stuff on eBay. I'll hafta ask her how to go about it the right way. Cuz it's clothing that I can't fit and don't want enough to keep it around until it fits (most if it, I'd have to lose at least 50 pounds to get into it, and some I'd need to lose even more). *shrugs* Dunno. Worth a try, I guess? Just won't work for this particular thing. *sighs*

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